今日は図書館でアラン・チューリングの本を探していて見つけたのがクリプトノミコン 1 チューリングと言う本です。ヒストリカルフィクションですが、とても面白い本です。
I happened to be searching for books on Alan Turing. I found a book called Cryptonomicon 1 - Turing. This is a historical fiction, but a very interesting book.
I know that decrypting code and cryptography will have a very big meaning in this world from now.
I happened to be searching for books on Alan Turing. I found a book called Cryptonomicon 1 - Turing. This is a historical fiction, but a very interesting book.
I know that decrypting code and cryptography will have a very big meaning in this world from now.