実用Common Lisp AIプログラミングのケーススタディをJALのマイルが貯まっていたので、Amazon.co.jpのギフト券に換えて買いました。
これから僕のMohawk Searchに人工知能や機械学習を応用して行く予定なので、とてもエキサイトしています。
I bought Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp by Peter Norvig because I had JAL mile.
The book was pretty expensive (9200 JPY) or about $92, but I am going to study a bit today then seriously study from tomorrow.
Also, there's a machine learning course on cousera so I think I will study bit by bit there.
I am going to implement AI and machine learning to my search engine, Mohawk Search, so I'm excited!
Oh yes, Baidu recently has caught my attention.
これから僕のMohawk Searchに人工知能や機械学習を応用して行く予定なので、とてもエキサイトしています。
I bought Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp by Peter Norvig because I had JAL mile.
The book was pretty expensive (9200 JPY) or about $92, but I am going to study a bit today then seriously study from tomorrow.
Also, there's a machine learning course on cousera so I think I will study bit by bit there.
I am going to implement AI and machine learning to my search engine, Mohawk Search, so I'm excited!
Oh yes, Baidu recently has caught my attention.